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Investment Needed

As a start-up company, we would need an initial investment to cover some of the indirect overhead costs of setting up the business. 


We are looking for an investment of 60.000 euros and offer two different investment options: equity investment or simple loan. We expect this investment to be fully returned within 5 to 7 years depending on the selected option.

Equity Investment
Gain a % of shares in the company

For an investment of € 60.000 we offer a 15% share of the company, plus an additional 40% of the profit for the first 5 years. This option would see your investment paid back in full within 7 years flowed by € 5600 profit each year.


This investment option carries the most risk but, given our confidence in the product-service we have developed, it also offers the greatest reward as investors maintain a 15% share of the profits even after the first 5 years. 

Simple Loan
A loan with a flat 50% interest rate

For an investment of € 60.000 we offer a 50% return in investment over 5 years. This would result in a net profit of
€ 30.000 in 5 years with no additional profits after that.


This investment option carries the most security, as it is not linked to the profit made by the company, however, it stops being beneficial to the investor after 5 years. 

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