If you have not read the market research page yet, please do so first before continuing reading on this page.
Setting up a marketing strategy is essential to keep your business up and running. This is key for launching promotion activities like advertisements. Everything related to the upcoming future steps in marketing strategy for launching the business, will be discussed on this page. Everything related to research will be on the market research page.
Marketing Goals
When entering the market as a new business, there are goals we want to achieve with our business.
These goals are listed below:
Marketing Initiatives
Marketing initiatives describe the efforts needed to achieve the marketing goals, which are in our case:
Advertising characteristics
Hiring people to create Ad material, also calculated within cost calculations
Mostly physical like posters or local radio (radio Oost) within the region
Possibly digital (social media) once we might expand in the Netherlands
Highlighting our value proposition
Positioning Strategy
Product Range VS Availability
In the figure on the right, The Local Food Van is presented among the availability VS product range. Our value will be a steady availability and product range.
Shopping experience VS Availability
In the figure on the right, The Local Food Van is presented among the availability VS shopping experience. We believe that with our van, people can still do the real shopping, but also order online, which contributes to a unique shopping experience.
Price VS Quality
In the figure on the right, The Local Food Van is presented among the price VS food quality. Our food quality is very high since it is produced locally, therefore the price will also be above average.